MONDAY -> SATURDAY, 11h-19h !


Victoria Dorche is a French illustrator and graduate of the Ecole de Condé illustration school. Her work is inspired by myths, medieval illuminations and folk art. Gouache is her preferred technique, and her vibrantly coloured illustrations offer a joyful and magical vision of reality. She now lives in the countryside on a mushroom farm. This change nourishes her and gives her work a more rural outlook, so she mixes the fruit from her garden and the mushrooms from her cellar with the eccentric plants she invents. In this personal cosmogony, Victoria invites us to drink tea, but above all to come and play.
She illustrates colourful, sensitive books for Hélium, Sarbacane, Didier jeunesse and Le Grand Palais, as well as books on herbalism and yoga for Ulmer and Laplage. Between projects, she makes card games full of symbols.

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