MONDAY -> SATURDAY, 11h-19h !


Pierre-Emmanuel Lyet is an illustrator, animator and artistic director whose short films have been critically acclaimed. His films Parade (2009) and La Nuit américaine d’Angélique (2013) as well as his typographic adaptation of the tale Pierre et le loup (2014) have received numerous awards. His graphic creativity also expands to the realm of children’s literature.
As an illustrator, he has contributed to the collection The Parisianer (10/18, 2014) and The Parisianer - City 2050 (10/18, 2016) and also creates drawings for various press media. His first exhibit Let Go (2017), which compiled artworks that were completed spontaneously on the streets of New York, has encouraged him to further develop his brisk and instinctive style, playing with bright colours and various formats.

Pierre-Emmanuel is represented by the illustrators agency LASLOW

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