MONDAY -> SATURDAY, 11h-19h !


Câlins, a Jessica Lisse's exhibition

Pour cette douce exposition Jessica Lisse a expérimenté son médium de prédilection : l'acrylique. Elle a peint pour l'occasion 25 carreaux de céramique, 4 grands carrés de lin ...

"I don't think we've touched many people in the last two years. I have a hard time even kissing my friends or grandparents. Sometimes we meet up, and then I wave my hand. Or we hesitate for several seconds. "Shall we kiss? " I had almost never painted humans until now and I figured it was time. I started with one hug, then 2 and soon I had 20. So this will be an exhibition of paintings on the theme of tenderness, on tangled bodies, skins that touch and grab. Completely basic but vital hugs in the end. And that we weren't allowed to do for a long time."

Jessica made a "call for hugs", asking people she knew, close or not so close, to send her a photo of a hug, loving, friendly, affectionate... From this compilation of hugs was born the exhibition.
"Cuddles" is a suspended moment, a time for softness and intimacy that seems to last forever. It is when two beings embrace in a moment that belongs only to them. And it is this moment that Jessica Lisse has skillfully transcribed with her very personal color palette. With soft and warm tones, a precise work of acrylic, the artist draws fragments of hugs as if taken from life. The characters are never represented in their entirety, they are anonymous, timeless and universal. Yet we recognize them, they could be us. We identify ourselves and become attached to the details of a drape, a hair, a hand... Sensitive and delicate, this exhibition plunges us (back) into a not so distant world where tenderness was a habit.