La naissance de l'homme blanc (Original)
MONDAY -> SATURDAY, 11h-19h !
After a High Level Technician degree in textile printing at Ecole d'Arts Appliqués Olivier de Serres, Isabelle Manoukian continue her pictorial approach at the same time at Ateliers Beaux-arts de Montparnasse et de Glacière.
In 2002 she had her post-graduated degree in visual art et Paris VIII.
In 2004 she discovered the Persian miniature, and studied it for five years with Abbas Moayeri.
This approach of colors allying the precision of the line has strongly influenced her personal approach afterwards.
With this technique, "Petite etoile", a series of baords (gouache-watercolor), will be created based on zodiac signs and the allegory of the birth.
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