MONDAY -> SATURDAY, 11h-19h !


Hélène Glowinski's very first print is a motif engraved in a plywood plate. Associated with others, they became games. A game of association or a game of letters, her graphic designs were cut into cards to be played and manipulated. Later, Hélène moved away from the object to the image. By changing the orientation and inking of her matrices, she had fun finding different effects in the same composition. Spontaneity was born from the superposition of shapes and colors. Today the game is at the center of her work, it is part of her creative process. She then adds matter, structure and pigment. Sometimes stable, sometimes at the limit of the balance, other times in weightlessness. Shapes and colors cross, assemble, avoid each other looking for the right combination, if there are several, so much the better!

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