MONDAY -> SATURDAY, 11h-19h !


Evelyne Mary creates pictures using a vocabulary of forms she orders in beautiful minimalist compositions: the white of the page vibrates by using intense colors, figures play with the background, the full and vacuum, the masses and lines. Engraving is his favorite technique, and she uses all potential: linocut, drypoint, buffer ... The landscape elements are represented by full patterns while silhouettes emerge by the grace of a line, in the white of the page. 


Trained in applied arts at Olivier de Serres School, and then at the Ecole Estienne, illustration department, she lives now in South Ardèche. She has illustrated several children's books, and creates artist books for adults. 


Dominique Thibaud, 

Éditions Les Trois Ourses, 

Mirabilia Gallery 

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