Animots - Cerbère
MONDAY -> SATURDAY, 11h-19h !
A duo of illustrators, winners of the Villa Kujoyama in 2017, Raphaële Enjary and Olivier Philipponneau began their collaboration as soon as they studied in Paris and quickly developed a common interest in woodcutting. Sensitive to handmade prints, they see the printing of their prints as an essential step to give life and warmth to the simplicity of their images.
From children's albums written by Alice Brière-Haquet for the most part (1, 2, 3 Banquise, the Zébulon trilogy, etc.), to exhibitions accompanied by original wooden games made by Sylvain Moreau, illustration is for them the means to tell stories, whatever the medium. Their animals with their tender and stylized drawings as well as the geometrical patterns of their landscapes are as many bridges between their work as graphic designers and their interest in aboriginal art and Japanese culture.
In 2016, they created 3œil Editions with Sylvain Lamy to continue their research into the book and its manufacture. In 2020, they launched the Philonimo collection, now translated in several countries.
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